Tuesday, October 20, 2009

17w4d visit with midwife

Weight gain = 8 pounds since 10w0d (the first accurate measurement).
BP = 118/64
Ishkabibble's heart rate = 142bpm

Blood drawn for the second part of what was begun when the NT scan was done... not sure what tests are being run.

Request submitted to local hospital for Level 2 ultrasound. Waiting for reply with availability and actual date/time if they can get me in before 22 weeks. If not, I'll have to go into the big, bad city (and pay for parking, and waste a whole day) to have it done.

The 10-week "hangover" is completely gone, although I still haven't experienced any cravings or aversions. I no longer need a nap mid-afternoon, and don't need to eat every 2-3 hours to avoid queasiness.

I am very aware of my own heart beat. It seems much more pronounced than before I became pregnant, and mild exertion really gets it pounding.

Our cheapie doppler picks up Ishka's heart beat easily now, so we listen whenever we feel like it.

I believe I felt fetal movement for the first time yesterday, while sitting on the couch after dinner. It felt like an air bubble surfacing just above my pubic bone, then it was gone. It happened twice in about 20 minutes, and I haven't sensed anything similar since.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Saw your post on Xbox's blog. We are exactly the same in our pg! :)
