Friday, September 25, 2009

13w4d- visit with midwife (9/21/2009)

Finally listened to Ishkabibble's heart beating on a doppler- 148bpm. Perfect, and beautiful.

Weight gain of 3 pounds since first visit to midwife (at 10w0d).

BP = 120/80

NT scan results-
Odds of Downs = 1 in 150
Odds of other trisomy = 1 in 10,000

Constant "hangover" feeling has been replaced with occasional bouts of gagging.
Have puked exactly 4 times, usually when I have not eaten in 4+ hours.
Bloating increases throughout the day. By evening, pressure (i.e. too-snug waistband) actually hurts and causes nausea.

Medically diagnosed as "short-waisted." Now I have a medical excuse for why pants never fit me properly. On a more relevant note, this means that my uterus isn't 3-4 inches below my belly button, as one of the books suggested. No matter, I can't feel it regardless.

Friday, September 11, 2009

NT scan 9/10/09- 12w0d

HR = 162bpm

NT width (if I read the screeen correctly while the tech was flipping through images) ranged between 0.112 and 0.118.

Blood drawn for additional testing with results anticipated at the next meeting with the CMW, on 9/21.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The cycle that worked- protocol and results

June 12-22:
CD22-30: 10U Lupron each AM (until stims begin)

June 22:
CD2: u/s & b/w- E2=19, progesterone=0.5
225IU Gonal-F in the evening

June 23-26:
CD3-6 5U Lupron in the AM
225IU Gonal-F in the AM
225IU Gonal-F in the PM

June 27:
CD7: 5U Lupron in the AM
225IU Gonal-F in the AM
b/w- E2=814
187.5IU Gonal-F in the PM

June 28:
CD8: 5U Lupron in the AM
150IU Gonal-F in the AM
b/w- E2=1757
u/s- 12 measurable follies: Left=8 measurable incl.18x10 & 14x14; Right=4 measurable incl. 16x13 & 16x11
150IU Gonal-F in the PM

June 29:
CD9: 5U Lupron in the AM
75IU Gonal-F in the AM
b/w & u/s- message left by nurse did not include numbers (E2 was 2700+)
37.5IU Gonal-F in the PM

June 30:
CD10: 5U Lupron in the AM
75IU Gonal-F in the AM
b/w- E2=3970
u/s- 18 measurable follies
HCG trigger at 9:00 PM

July 2 (CD12):
ER @ 9:00 AM- 40 eggs retrieved; 24 mature; 15 fertilized
Advised to “freeze all” immediately upon fertilization due to high risk of OHSS. Risk based on high E2 level, plus high follie count. Decision must be made within 24 hours.

July 3 (CD13):
Fateful phone call from Dr. Aggressive- “I have never seen a case of severe OHSS in a patient over 40 years of age.” Against the advice of two other RE’s and three nurses, we proceed with a 3-day transfer.

July 5 (CD15):
ET- five embryos transferred (the maximum recommended for my age):
2 x 8-cell, grade 1 (aka PERFECT)
1 x 7-cell, grade 1
1 x 8-cell, grade 2
1 x 4-cell, grade 2
Remaining embies were of poor quality- slow-growing and with significant fragmentation. None frozen.

July 14:
9DP3DT- BFP on HPT (very faint)

July 16:
11DP3DT- Beta #1 HCG=103

July 20:
15DP3DT- Beta #2 HCG=512- we’re officially 4w4d pregnant!
**timeline adjusted as though ovulation (ER) had occurred on CD14

July 27:
5w4d- first “symptom”- very slight nausea @ 22DP3DT

August 3:
6W4D- first fetal u/s- HR=117bpm; measuring 6w2d - singleton pregnancy.

August 13:
8w0d- second fetal u/s- HR=149bpm; measuring 8w2d

August 27:
10w0d- first midwife appointment- tipped uterus, can’t pick up heartbeat on Doppler

September 10:
12w0d- NT scan- HR=162bpm

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

new blog for baby details

I've decided to keep a record of stats, symptoms, belly shots, and anything else that comes to mind in a less narrative format on this separate blog. This way, I'll have easy access to all this info, and anyone who'd rather not read the specifics of a pregnancy won't have to skip portions of the main blog.