Thursday, March 11, 2010

38 weeks- estimated weight

In light of the GD and my age, Doc OB requested an estimated fetal weight along with today's BPP. Based on measurements of Ishkabibble's head, belly, thigh bone and arm bone, Ishka weighs about 6 pounds 12 ounces and is in the 53rd percentile.

In other words, we're still perfect! GD-be-damned!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

36 weeks exactly

BPP this morning- as usual, no problems with anything. Ishka seems to always be practice breathing. Estimated fetal weight today was 5 pounds 14 ounces, or the 58th percentile. It looks like GD is not affecting Ishka's growth, which was wonderful to hear. No giant baby worries, and no reason for anyone to induce at 39 weeks as had been implied.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

28w4d- 3-hr glucose tolerance test

Fasting blood sugar = 96 (high)
30 minutes post-drink =
1-hour post-drink =
2-hours post-drink =
3-hours post-drink =

Overall result = Fail

Next up- meeting with nutritionist for "diabetes education."

28w0d- 1-hr glucose tolerance test

blood sugar level of 170 = Failed.

Friday, November 20, 2009

22w0d- MW visit

Just a few measurements-

Weight gain = 16 pounds since the first visit to the MW at 10w0d.
Blood pressure = 118/74
Ishkabibble's heart rate = 146 bpm

Got the H1N1 vaccine
Received paperwork for hospital pre-registration, glucose tolerance test, and rhogam shot. GTT should happen between 27 & 29 weeks, so I'll take care of that when I visit for my next appointment (there's a hospital satellite lab in the same office as my MW) on 12/21. The shot is supposed to happen at about 29 weeks, which puts us at New Year's eve-ish. I need to visit the hospital birthing center for that, but don't need an appointment.

C and I will visit the birthing Center tomorrow for a tour.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

17w4d visit with midwife

Weight gain = 8 pounds since 10w0d (the first accurate measurement).
BP = 118/64
Ishkabibble's heart rate = 142bpm

Blood drawn for the second part of what was begun when the NT scan was done... not sure what tests are being run.

Request submitted to local hospital for Level 2 ultrasound. Waiting for reply with availability and actual date/time if they can get me in before 22 weeks. If not, I'll have to go into the big, bad city (and pay for parking, and waste a whole day) to have it done.

The 10-week "hangover" is completely gone, although I still haven't experienced any cravings or aversions. I no longer need a nap mid-afternoon, and don't need to eat every 2-3 hours to avoid queasiness.

I am very aware of my own heart beat. It seems much more pronounced than before I became pregnant, and mild exertion really gets it pounding.

Our cheapie doppler picks up Ishka's heart beat easily now, so we listen whenever we feel like it.

I believe I felt fetal movement for the first time yesterday, while sitting on the couch after dinner. It felt like an air bubble surfacing just above my pubic bone, then it was gone. It happened twice in about 20 minutes, and I haven't sensed anything similar since.

Friday, September 25, 2009

13w4d- visit with midwife (9/21/2009)

Finally listened to Ishkabibble's heart beating on a doppler- 148bpm. Perfect, and beautiful.

Weight gain of 3 pounds since first visit to midwife (at 10w0d).

BP = 120/80

NT scan results-
Odds of Downs = 1 in 150
Odds of other trisomy = 1 in 10,000

Constant "hangover" feeling has been replaced with occasional bouts of gagging.
Have puked exactly 4 times, usually when I have not eaten in 4+ hours.
Bloating increases throughout the day. By evening, pressure (i.e. too-snug waistband) actually hurts and causes nausea.

Medically diagnosed as "short-waisted." Now I have a medical excuse for why pants never fit me properly. On a more relevant note, this means that my uterus isn't 3-4 inches below my belly button, as one of the books suggested. No matter, I can't feel it regardless.